miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Nueva app!

Ayer subi una nueva app, se llama "Usar como Ringtone", como su nombre lo dice... podés elegir cualquier archivo mp3 y usarlo como Ringtone para llamadas o para mensajes SMS (notificaciones).

Puedes bajarlo de aqui  o usando QR Droid Private en la imagen QR en la derecha.

New app in the market!

Yesterday I've uploaded a new app. This one its called "Set as Ringtone". As the name says its for set a mp3 file as your android Ringtone or Notification. You can choose any mp3 that you have in your SD card and set it as Ringtone or Notification. Enjoy!

You can download it from the market from
here  or using QR Droid Private  on the QR on the right with your android phone camera.

How to use Wi5

This is the home screen of Wi5 when you start the program
When you press the menu button a menu is displayed
Press the connect button to be available to receive and make calls
In the upper left corner you can see the Wi5 service running
Now if you press the menu button, you can see a new menu with the refresh and disconnect options.

If there is any contact available to speak, it will appear in this screen. Press the name to call this contact
You have to press the green phone to call the contact that you previously selected. Then your contact phone will ring, as it would do in a normal call, but this is made through your wifi!